
The IMPORTANCE of the eJamaat card is increasing day by day with the card playing a pivotal role in all aspects of our lives, be it registration and attendance of miqaats with Aqa Moula (TUS), Araz of Niyaz-E-Hussain in Ashara Mubaraka, or the attendance of local miqaats and sabaqs. Over a short period of time, the eJamaat card has evolved to become an identification document to ascertain our dawoodi Bohara identity and soon will become a MUST carry in our wallets. Mumineen are able to check their miqaat history, make posting on the vepar section and have the benefit of sending araz to Aqa Moula (TUS) via the eJamaat website.

eJamaat intends on issuing new plastic cards with a host of other benefits for Mumineen. For these plastic cards to be issued, Mumineen MUST VERIFY their current details on the eJamaat site and if these details are incorrect they should amend or update their records accordingly. Further it is MANDATORY for Mumineen to:

1) add the eJamaat numbers of their family members;

2) insert their blood group; and

3) upload a picture in quami libas.

This verification process can be carried out when you log into your account using your eJamaat number and password on www.ejamaat.com.

Shababul-Eidiz-Zahabi, Colombo would assist all Mumineen of Colombo to carry out this MANDATORY EJAMAAT VERIFICATION PROCESS. Mumineen are required to download and COMPLETE IN FULL the eJamaat verification form and hand it over to the Shababul-Eidiz-Zahabi Office which will be open on Wednesdays & Fridays from 9.00pm to 11.00pm for this purpose. Completed forms could also be submitted to the Anjuman-E-Saifi ( Sri Lanka ) Trust Office during normal working hours. Get the E-Jamaat Form…

WARNING!!! Those Mumineen who do not carry out the eJamaat verification on their own via the eJamaat site or do not hand over their completed eJamaat verification forms to Shababul-Eidiz-Zahabi will not be issued with the NEW PLASTIC eJamaat cards. Shababul-Eidiz-Zahabi will not be responsible for any delays in obtaining the plastic cards due to non verification of eJamaat data, or any other problems that may arise in attending any dawat functions due to non verification of your eJamaat data.